Shawn Holtaway Keller


Shawn Holtaway Keller

Modern life creates an abundance of waste in our world. I combat it by reclaiming items on the verge of being discarded that still have use left in them. To me, chipping away at the excess created by a culture accustomed to throwing its items away is a worthwhile pursuit.

Scattered Light Stitchery is my means to bring these items back. A beautiful craft on its own, I use hand embroidery as a tool of revival. By embroidering previously owned goods I am giving them a chance to live on. By embroidering new items out of leftover fabric I am creating less waste. These are small but impactful steps that can help us reexamine habits in all areas of our life.

There have been many family members, friends and mentors in my life who share a love of craft and creating things with their hands. I am grateful to them for sparking my curiosity at an early age and inspiring me throughout my life. The work that I do not only helps the materials themselves live on, but also helps to keep the craft of hand stitching alive, like a folktale passed on through generations.


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Of Lilies & Fields